Abyss 中文

一天,上帝带圣子巡游天界,让众天使向圣子下跪参拜。由于天使是没有实体的能量体,而圣子除了没有获得上帝的力量之外,其它都与上帝一样拥有实体,上帝认为拥有实体的圣子地位仅次于自己;而路西法则认为圣子力量太低,上帝让天使向圣子下跪是对其尊严的侮辱,于是率领天界三分之一的天使叛变。(路西法是立在第九原动天的神之前,最初的天使。他率领着中央天使军。加百列坐于神的左侧,率领着左翼天使军。米迦勒立于神的右侧,率领着右翼天使军。)路西法自信可以在上帝面前证明自己比圣子强。不过,路西法和其军队被圣子击败了,并被打入永劫的无底洞Abyss中,其他所有跟随他的天使则都蜕变成丑恶的形象。据说只有Lucifer仍然保有天使光辉的六翼形象后来,路西法带领自己所余残将在地狱重新建立了一个类似天堂的新世界。 [1] 

神在创造亚当后由米迦勒带领到第十至高天,并将天界其余九天的天使全部召集,宣布封亚当为弥赛亚,要众天使对这位弥赛亚膜拜。立在第九原动天的最前面,最初的天使,拥有“小耶和华”,“契约之天使”,“天军之王”,“万物的创造者”,“上帝身边最伟大的天使”等一系列称号的路西菲尔断然拒绝了向亚当参拜。因为:「为何要逼我参拜他呢?我绝对不会参拜如此卑劣,比我晚出现的东西。在他形成之前,我就已经存在了,他才应该要参拜我。」(里圣经亚当纪13至14节)路西法因为拒绝臣服于圣子(注意,是拒绝臣服于圣子),率天众三分之一的天使于天界北境举起反旗。天使战争一触即发。第一日双方平手,第二日Lucifer(路西法)杀伤Messiah(圣子),第三日Lucifer(路西法)被Messiah(圣子)削断脚跟,结果经过三天的天界剧战,路西法的叛军被圣子被驱赶至水晶墙旁,被雷打入永劫的无底洞Abyss中,堕天使全部自“圣灵册”上除名,其它所有跟随他的天使则都蜕变成丑恶的形象。据说只有Lucifer仍然保有天使光辉的六翼形象(一说是因为路西法是不满圣子,并没有背叛上帝,所以仍然保有天使光辉的六翼形象。另一说是上帝不忍看到自己最杰出的作品蒙尘,所以让他就算在地狱里也能放光。“明亮之星”)。Lucifer成为Satan(撒旦)(说谎者、胡言乱语者),与圣子定下千年一战的契约。 [2] 



用"abyss"造句"abyss"怎么读"abyss" in a sentence"abyss"的同义词



  • n.
    an abyss of disgrace [ignominy] 丢脸已极。 an abyss of despair 绝望。 the abyss of time 无限之时,永远。 the horror of an abyss 看深渊时引起的恐怖心。


  • The old society was an abyss of darkness .
  • They lived in an abyss of misery .
  • The people are plunged into an abyss of misery .
  • All roads led to the abyss .
  • Language itself breaks down before the final abyss .
  • Hurl them into the abyss !
  • Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence .
  • Within a few months my father slipped into the abyss of alcoholism .
  • Without him, angleton became a ship without anchor, drifting slowly toward the abyss .
  • He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed .


  • a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)

經 過 兩 年 以 來 的 連 番 減息,供 樓 利 息 雖然已由 P 加 2 降 至現在的 P 減 3, 但 由 於 本港經濟依 然未見 底 ,明年僱 主 固 然 可能要面對 更 艱 難 的經營 環境, 僱 員 亦可能要面對 更 嚴重的 減 薪 裁 員 威 脅 。

Not only do they fail to share the fruit of economic recovery, they are also

[...] trapped in an abyss of misery every day.

他們不但未能分享經濟復甦的成果,而且每天更生活 在水深火熱之中。

Why can it not use tens of millions of dollars to help

[...] people in an abyss of sufferings [...]

pay for highly priced food?

[...] 千萬元的錢,不可以拿來幫助處於水 深 火 熱的 市民 ,應付高昂的食品價格 呢?

We wish to stress the importance that we attach to the historic Millennium Declaration (resolution 55/2), adopted by heads of State and Government here at the United Nations and by which they assumed, as a challenge of collective responsibility, the


promise of closing the gap of inequality

[...] that, like a deep abyss of denied human [...]

dignity, separates the poorer countries from the more fortunate.

我们要强调,我们重视各国国家元首和政府首脑 在联合国通过的具有历史意义的《千年宣言》(第 55/2 号决议),他们藉此承担集体责任挑战,作出了缩小

[...] 不平等差距的承诺,这种不平等就像是一个人类尊严 被剥夺的深渊,把较贫穷国 家与更幸运的国家分隔开 来。

I believe public transport users are in general grassroots and some of them are disturbed

[...] unemployed people in an abyss of sufferings.

[...] 屬 草 根 階 層 , 有些正 處於水深火 熱 及 失 業的彷徨中。

The Liberal Party is of the view that the root cause of the fiscal deficit should be the incessant increases in public expenditure over the years. The authorities must first deal with the wastage of resources in government departments, instead


of turning so lightly to the middle class and

[...] seeking to fill the abyss of fiscal deficit [...]

by increasing the salaries tax.

自 由 黨 認 為 財 赤 的主要 根 源 ,是公共 開支連年 增 長,當 局 必須先 改善有 關部門浪費的 情況, 而不是 動 輒 便 向中產 人士開

[...] 刀 , 藉 增加薪 俸 稅 來 填 補 財 赤 這個無 底深潭 。

As the economy of Hong Kong cannot escape the same fate, it took a turn

[...] and fell rapidly into an abyss.

香港 的經濟同樣未能倖 免 , 於 是 迅 即 掉頭跌入 深 淵 。

The sector has made great efforts, but if we are really concerned about the


negativeequity property owners in Hong Kong,

[...] people in an abyss of sufferings [...]

and job opportunities, and that everybody should


work and live well in dignity, we have to consider matters from this angle indeed.

我們的業界也做了很多工夫,但如果我們真的關心香港的負資產 業主,關心活在水深火熱之中的 人民,關心我們的就業機會,關心要令每一 [...]

個人都能很有尊嚴地就業和好好地生活下去,我們便真的要從這個角度作出 考慮了。

Over the summer, as the Eurozone crisis went from bad to worse, it seemed for a moment that the world

[...] might be heading back into the abyss.

在過去一個夏季,歐 元區危機進一步惡化,全球經濟曾一 度 有重 墮 深淵 之 虞。

Results from all faunal components suggested that

[...] there is a characteristic fauna of the abyss, that is that abyssal habitats have [...]

sustained species radiations


and are not merely sinks of non-reproducing individuals transported from ocean margins.

来自所有动物构成部 分的结果显示,深海海底 动物有自己的特点, 即 深海 海 底生 境存 在持续的物种辐 射,而不仅仅是来自海洋边缘的非生殖性个体的汇槽。

At 50, emergence of super- power-maniac Ronald Reagan Government under the


creeping shadow of decay, ensuing Japan’s

[...] diving into an abyss of subordination [...]

to US on one hand, and Israeli air blitz


to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor on the other.

他50岁时,染上超级大国狂热的罗纳德·里根政府在日益蔓延的腐朽的阴影中浮现,一方面致使日本遁入从属于 美 国 的 深渊, 而另 一方 面是以色列发动空中闪电战,试图摧毁了伊拉克的核反应堆。

With the impact of the Asian financial crisis, the crash of the property market, the bursting of the technology and web bubble, the shrinking of the overseas markets, and the high exchange rate of


the Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong economy has been

[...] plunged into an abyss of darkness in [...]

the short span of a few years.

受到亞 洲 金 融 風 暴 的 沖擊,地產 市 道 崩 潰 、 科 網 泡沫爆破、海外市 場 萎 縮 、港元 匯 率 偏 高 , 使

[...] 香 港 經濟在短短數年間面目全非 , 跌 進了一個黑暗深 淵 。

Two or three years ago when the economy of Hong Kong started to

[...] rebound from the abyss of SARS, even [...]

as some members of the public were not able


to get any actual benefits instantly, they would expect that the goods times would not be too far away.

兩三年前,香港經濟剛剛從 SARS 谷底反彈,部 分市民即使未能即時實質受惠,亦會預期好日子快將降臨,所以當時社會氣 [...]

Let us all make our contribution, so that, together, we may

[...] avoid the deepest abyss and strive instead [...]

[...] 献,这样,我们就有可能一起避免坠 入 最 深的 地 狱, 努力升上最高的天堂。

As a result, the Hong Kong economy which had all along been built on the manufacturing industry


gradually lost its impetus for economic development; and from 1998 onwards, our economy

[...] fell into the abyss of recession.

[...] 業為基礎的香港經濟體系,逐漸失去了促使經濟向前的推動力,並由 1998 年開始,經濟墮入了衰退的深淵。

Our march out of the abyss of poverty and [...]

deprivation into the realm of progress and prosperity is going to be a long one,


and that is why we need members to partner us on this difficult journey.

我们走出贫困和一无所 有的深渊和步入进步 和繁荣的王国将是漫漫的长路, [...]

因此,我们需要各国在这一艰难的旅程中与我们携手 合作。

Innumerable single parent children are thus thrown

[...] into a helpless abyss with no way to [...]

Of course, many people in society would go along with the trend, but too much instigation will make some


members of the public ― and I mean some, mind you, not all ―

[...] descend into this abyss of hatred, so what [...]

當然,社 會上有很多人會跟着潮流走,但過分的煽動,會令部分市民 ⎯⎯ “部 分

[...] ”,大家要聽清楚,我不是說“全部” ⎯⎯ 墮入他們這仇恨的深淵,這 又何苦呢?

President, so long as there is no democracy in Hong Kong, so long as there are fellows supporting the league


of political and economic prerogatives, Hong Kong people still have

[...] to live in an abyss of misery due [...]

主席,一天沒有民主,一天有這羣人在支撐着政治經濟特權聯 盟,香港人都會生活在貧富懸殊的水 深火 熱 之 中。

A ban on the importation of live poultry


will not only plunge the poultry and related

[...] trades into an abyss of difficulties, [...]

but also deal a serious blow to the catering industry.

禁 止 輸 入 鮮 活 家 禽 , 不 單 止 令

[...] 家 禽 及 相 關行業 陷 於 水 深 火 熱 , 亦 嚴 重 打 擊飲食業。

Anything less would undermine the foundations of


the Treaty and risks rendering the Treaty invalid, plunging the

[...] region into the abyss of mass destruction [...]

否则将会破坏《条约》的基础,可能使《条约》失去效力,从而使该区域陷 入可能遭受大规模毁灭的深渊。

I think it should be called a "valley" meeting, because the final outcome of the meeting has propelled the hopes of workers down to the abyss of the valley.

代理主席女士,我十分同意剛才詹培忠議員所說,不應將昨㆝的會議稱為高峰會,我 認為應稱之為「低 谷會」,因為會議的最終結果使工㆟陷入失望的低谷。

I am very pleased to once again address this body, this time in much happier circumstances than those that


prevailed in Timor-Leste in the first half of 2006, when Timor-Leste appeared to be

[...] racing towards the edge of an abyss.

我非常高兴再次向安理会发言,这次的情况远远 要比 2006

[...] 年上半年东帝汶的情况更令人高兴,当时 东帝汶似乎正在迅速滑向深渊的边缘。

At a time when the earlier Hebrew scriptures were silent as to the rewards and punishments awaiting man in the future life, we find the ancient rik-bards giving


