
FDB: Fraud Dataset Benchmark

By Prince Grover, Zheng Li, Jianbo Liu, Jakub Zablocki, Hao Zhou, Julia Xu and Anqi Cheng

The Fraud Dataset Benchmark (FDB) is a compilation of publicly available datasets relevant to fraud detection (arXiv Link). The FDB aims to cover a wide variety of fraud detection tasks, ranging from card not present transaction fraud, bot attacks, malicious traffic, loan risk and content moderation. The Python based data loaders from FDB provide dataset loading, standardized train-test splits and performance evaluation metrics. The goal of our work is to provide researchers working in the field of fraud and abuse detection a standardized set of benchmarking datasets and evaluation tools for their experiments. Using FDB tools we evaluate 4 AutoML pipelines including AutoGluon, H2O, Amazon Fraud Detector and Auto-sklearn across 9 different fraud detection datasets and discuss the results.

Datasets used in FDB

Brief summary of the datasets used in FDB. Each dataset is described in detail in data source section.

#Dataset nameDataset keyFraud category#Train#TestClass ratio (train)#Feats#Cat#Num#Text#Enrichable
1 IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection ieeecis Card Not Present Transactions Fraud 561,013 28,527 3.50% 67 6 61 0 0
2 Credit Card Fraud Detection ccfraud Card Not Present Transactions Fraud 227,845 56,962 0.18% 28 0 28 0 0
3 Fraud ecommerce fraudecom Card Not Present Transactions Fraud 120,889 30,223 10.60% 6 2 3 0 1
4 Simulated Credit Card Transactions generated using Sparkov sparknov Card Not Present Transactions Fraud 1,296,675 20,000 5.70% 17 10 6 1 0
5 Twitter Bots Accounts twitterbot Bot Attacks 29,950 7,488 33.10% 16 6 6 4 0
6 Malicious URLs dataset malurl Malicious Traffic 586,072 65,119 34.20% 2 0 1 1 0
7 Fake Job Posting Prediction fakejob Content Moderation 14,304 3,576 4.70% 16 10 1 5 0
8 Vehicle Loan Default Prediction vehicleloan Credit Risk 186,523 46,631 21.60% 38 13 22 3 0
9 IP Blocklist ipblock Malicious Traffic 172,000 43,000 7% 1 0 0 0 1



  • Kaggle account

  • AWS account

  • Python 3.7+

  • Python requirements

autogluon==0.4.2 h2o== boto3==1.20.21 click==8.0.3 click-plugins==1.1.1 Faker==4.14.2 joblib==1.0.0 kaggle==1.5.12 numpy==1.19.5 pandas==1.1.2 regex==2020.7.14 scikit-learn==0.22.1 scipy==1.5.4 auto-sklearn==0.14.7 dask==2022.8.1

Step 1: Setup Kaggle CLI

The FraudDatasetBenchmark object is going to load datasets from the source (which in most of the cases is Kaggle), and then it will modify/standardize on the fly, and provide train-test splits. So, the first step is to setup Kaggle CLI in the machine being used to run Python.

Use intructions from How to Use Kaggle guide. The steps include:

Remember to download the authentication token from "My Account" on Kaggle, and save token at ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json on Linux, OSX and at C:\Users<Windows-username>.kaggle\kaggle.json on Windows. If the token is not there, an error will be raised. Hence, once you’ve downloaded the token, you should move it from your Downloads folder to this folder.

Step 2: Clone Repo

Once Kaggle CLI is setup and installed, clone the github repo using git clone // if using HTTPS, or git clone :amazon-research/fraud-dataset-benchmark.git if using SSH.

Step 3: Install

Once repo is cloned, from your terminal, cd to the repo and type pip install ., which will install the required classes and methods.

FraudDatasetBenchmark Usage

The usage is straightforward, where you create a dataset object of FraudDatasetBenchmark class, and extract useful goodies like train/test splits and eval_metrics.

from fdb.datasets import FraudDatasetBenchmark # all_keys = ['fakejob', 'vehicleloan', 'malurl', 'ieeecis', 'ccfraud', 'fraudecom', 'twitterbot', 'ipblock'] key = 'ipblock' obj = FraudDatasetBenchmark(key=key) print(obj.key) print('Train set: ') display(obj.train.head()) print(len(obj.train.columns)) print(obj.train.shape) print('Test set: ') display(obj.test.head()) print(obj.test.shape) print('Test scores') display(obj.test_labels.head()) print(obj.test_labels['EVENT_LABEL'].value_counts()) print(obj.train['EVENT_LABEL'].value_counts(normalize=True)) print('=========')

Notebook template to load dataset using FDB data-loader is available at scripts/examples/Test_FDB_Loader.ipynb


Reproducibility scripts are available at scripts/reproducibility/ in respective folders for afd, autogluon and h2o. Each folder also had README with steps to reproduce.

Benchmark Results

Dataset keyAUC-ROC
AFD OFI AFD TFI AutoGluon H2O Auto-sklearn
ccfraud 0.985 0.99 0.99 0.992 0.988
fakejob 0.987 - 0.998 0.99 0.983
fraudecom 0.519 0.636 0.522 0.518 0.515
ieeecis 0.938 0.94 0.855 0.89 0.932
malurl 0.985 - 0.998 Training failure 0.5
sparknov 0.998 - 0.997 0.997 0.995
twitterbot 0.934 - 0.943 0.938 0.936
vehicleloan 0.673 - 0.669 0.67 0.664
ipblock 0.937 - 0.804 Training failure 0.5

ROC Curves

The numbers in the legend represent AUC-ROC from different models from our baseline evaluations on AutoML.

Data Sources

  1. IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Card, address, email, product id, aggregates
    • Fraud category: Card Not Present Transaction Fraud
    • Provider: Vesta Corporation
  2. Credit Card Fraud Detection

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: PCA features, time, amount (highly imbalanced)
    • Fraud category: Card Not Present Transaction Fraud
    • Provider: Machine Learning Group - ULB
  3. Fraud ecommerce

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Signup time, purchase time, purchase value, ip, browser, age
    • Fraud category: Card Not Present Transaction Fraud
    • Provider: Binh Vu
  4. Simulated Credit Card Transactions generated using Sparkov

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Cc_num, merchant, txn_date, category, zip, location
    • Fraud category: Card Not Present Transaction Fraud
    • Provider: Kartik Shenoy
  5. Twitter Bots Accounts

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Followers/following count, geo-enabled, description etc.
    • Fraud category: Bot Attacks
    • Provider: David Martín Gutiérrez
  6. Malicious URLs dataset

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: URL (malicious include defacement, phishing and malware)
    • Fraud category: Malicious Traffic
    • Provider: Manu Siddhartha
  7. Real / Fake Job Posting Prediction

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Textual information and meta-information about the jobs
    • Fraud category: Content Moderation
    • Provider: Shivam Bansal
  8. Vehicle Loan Default Prediction

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: numeric, categorical, classification(binary)
    • Fraud category: Credit Risk
    • Provider: Avik Paul
  9. IP Blocklist

    • Link: //
    • Feature info: Malicious IP address
    • Fraud category: Malicious Traffic
    • Provider:


@misc{grover2022fdb, title={FDB: Fraud Dataset Benchmark}, author={Prince Grover and Zheng Li and Jianbo Liu and Jakub Zablocki and Hao Zhou and Julia Xu and Anqi Cheng}, year={2022}, eprint={2208.14417}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG} }


This project is licensed under the MIT-0 License.


We thank creators of all datasets used in the benchmark and organizations that have helped in hosting the datasets and making them widely availabel for research purposes.


