中文 新年歌曲 2022


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  • 1 华语贺年歌曲列表
  • 2 粤语贺年歌曲列表
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歌曲名称 歌词选段 曲 词 原唱 收录专辑(备注)
《恭喜恭喜》(1946) “每条大街小巷,每个人的嘴里,


陈歌辛 姚敏、姚莉 最初是为了庆祝抗战胜利而作[1][2]
《贺新年》(1948) “贺新年 祝新年 新年啊 年连年” 李厚襄 严折西 张帆
《拜年》(1956) “正月初一头一天 家家户户过新年

大街小巷悬灯彩 炮竹响连天”

借调严华作曲的《新对花》 金泉 林黛、严俊
《春风吻上我的脸》(1956)[3] “春风它吻上了我的脸,


陈蝶衣 狄薏(即陈蝶衣)[4] 姚莉
《恭喜发财》(1957) “恭喜呀恭喜 发呀发大财

好运当头 坏运呀永离开”

姚敏 李隽青 葛兰 电影《酒色财气》插曲
《欢乐中国年》(1998) “恭喜恭喜中国年 五谷丰登笑开颜

恭喜恭喜中国年 歌声万里连成片”

卞留念 张俊以 孙悦
《发财发福中国年》(2001) “财神来敲我家门 娃娃来点灯

新夜红包加鞭炮声 多财又多福”

Charchai Cahbemnej 许常德、Pailin Rattamsaengsatien、陈冠桦(娃娃) 中国娃娃 《贺岁喔!喔!喔》
《恭喜发财》(2005) “我恭喜你发财 我恭喜你精彩

最好的请过来 不好的请走开 礼多人不怪”

陈德健 刘德华、李安修 刘德华 《继续谈情》
《财神到》 “财神到 财神到 财神到我家大门口

迎财神 接财神 把财神接到我家理头”

黄雅莉 黄雅莉、黄仁清



歌曲名称 曲 词 原唱 收录专辑
《大家恭喜》 改编自粤曲《渔歌晚唱》 文千岁、李宝莹 《大家恭喜》(1973年)
《恭喜你》 庞秋华
《祝新岁》 《拜年》粤语版 丽莎 《今年发大财》(1975年)
《迎春花》 关圣佑 关圣佑 汪明荃、郑少秋 《欢乐年年》(1977年)
《新春颂献》 改编自刘明源于1958年创作的经典传统民乐《喜洋洋》
《欢乐年年》 关圣佑、江南 关圣佑、江南
《齐齐贺下你》 改编自美国作曲家史蒂芬·福斯特于1847年所编写乡村音乐《哦,苏珊娜》 史蒂芬·福斯特 廖小璇 《福星拱照》(1978年)
《财神到》 许冠杰 许冠杰、黎彼得 许冠杰 《财神到》(1978年)
《祝福你》 顾嘉煇 黄霑 甄妮 《祝福你》(1980年)
《你最红》 伍乐城 黄伟文 Twins 《Happy Together》(2002年)



其中八大巨星参与者邓智彰为Astro电台在2008年开始出版新年歌,带动马来西亚的电视台都开始自行编制新年歌曲。现在马来西亚Astro电台、首要媒体(主要由八度空间与One FM)和988电台皆已发布超过10年的新年专辑。







  • 贺年歌曲“发展史”,满满的春节记忆 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
  1. ^ 這首「恭喜恭喜」你一定聽過!但它最早卻不是為過年而寫.... 东森新闻. 2017-01-28 [2018-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-11).
  2. ^ 张成觉. 1957' 中國音樂. 中国独立作家出版社. 2014: 183. ISBN 9789881265623.
  3. ^ 10首超经典的新年歌!你绝对会唱!Melody,2018年12月26日
  4. ^ 春风吻上我的脸 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)魔镜歌词网
  5. ^ 那些年,我们的贺岁歌(上):传唱欢乐气氛 贺岁歌陪伴过年. 东方ONLINE. 2017-01-30 [2017-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-01) (中文(马来西亚)).
  6. ^ New Year's Eve Song - Auld Lang Syne. NewYearFavors.com. (原始内容存档于2022-01-27) (英语).

Thomas Bannister’s Post

MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA


Wishing everyone of you a very blessed and abundant CNY. May God's blessings and loves be upon you and your family throughout the year and many years ahead. 🎶 🎵 #gongxifacai

新年歌 2022, Chinese New Year Songs 2022


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  • MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA


    I used to wonder why people like Leonardo da Vinci can be so talented in so many areas. And asking myself if it is possible for me to even be good in more than 1 thing. So, I started to search and explore the possibility and limitations of my own. I tried picking up the skill of playing musical instruments and video editing as a professional accountant. The result of my search is telling me that I can actually be good in more than 1 area. While searching, I came across an encouraging verse from Philippians 4:11, saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me." Sharing with people from my network the song I've written and composed as an accountant (not musician) with the help of my music mentor Stephen Tan. I wish everyone happy holy week of Easter and enjoy the song. #easter2022 #eastersong #HeIsRisen #easter #复活节 #eastersunday

    He Is Risen!


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  • MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA

    9mo Edited

    Merry Christmas to all my LinkedIn connections. Sharing with you the songs me and my music buddy have made over the last 2 weeks. Just wanted to share to encourage and motivate you that everyone of us has the capacity to be good at more than 1 thing. I'm a professional accountant by training but a musician by passion. You can find the links of 3 more other songs in the comments. Hope it cheer your Christmas day up. #AccountantCanJam #AccountantCanRock #AccountantCanStrum #AccountantCanSing

    Feliz Navidad 2021


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  • MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA


    Talent Advisor at Medtronic (AMS)


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  • MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA

    1y Edited

    With great pleasure, I am able to share my experience and provide advice to students who are pursuing their career in Finance and Accountancy. Being a mentor to students, I have always getting this question "where should I start in building my career and becoming a professional accountant after completing my degree?", and my answer to that question is always the same, I said "being a professional accountant, we need not only academic qualification but also professional qualification and experience. So start with getting #ACCA professional qualification first because it has an established global community, support and recognition." //lnkd.in/gYJNEJy

    PSB Academy greatly appreciates the time that these mentors have set aside to sow seeds into PSB Academy community. Their wisdom and guidance have allowed mentees to have a clearer picture in their career journey and planning.  Visit psb-academy.edu.sg/aaw2021 for more.  #ExploreOpportunitiesGoBeyond

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  • MScPA | ACCA | CA (Singapore) | ASEAN CPA

    1y Edited

    Site Finance Leader at Medtronic Singapore Operations

    1y Edited

    It is a great honor to be supporting a site that is recognised to be among the best in Medtronic for 2 years running. We do have many new roles added in support of our next phase of the site expansion. Do reach out for more information! //m.rfer.us/MEDYGn1XuS #medtronicemployee #medtronic

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