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        目前篩選評論時出現問題。 請稍後再試。

        於 2022年11月13日 在美國發表評論

        They are not specific to one unit. In other words, when I turn on or off one of my pumps all of my pumps are equally affected. So, what they tout as an advantage of 984' range or whatever becomes a burden when you only want to control one unit remotely. It would be so easy to build these so they must be paired with a specific switch instead generically and indiscriminately shutting down an entire operation when all you want is to shut down or start an individual unit. A disgruntled employee or business competitor could reek all kinds of havoc on an entire operation and such vulnerability should be obvious to the manufacturer. Still, for somebody with one switch in a noncritical application will find that they work very well.

        於 2022年11月22日 在美國發表評論

        I wish I found these years ago. I have a small overland camper/trailer that I pull behind my Jeep and go out in the middle on nowhere. I set up trip wires if I think they are needed in my camping location. If there’s a security issue, I utilize the remote switch from inside my tent to turn on all my flood lights if I need too. I have been able to also use on my front gate to open and close for delivery’s. It’s exactly 400’ line of sight and works well. I just bought two more!

        於 2021年11月29日 在美國發表評論

        A switch that operates from a radio remote(s). Two remotes included. Pros: easy to install and make work with the remotes. The remote looks nice and has a "vintage" expandable antenna. I was able to control the switch installed in a shed at about 30 yards from the house, with no issues. Cons: the body of the switch itself is plastic, so are the ears for screwing the device to the wall. They break off in a second. Also don't like that this switch has no manual on-off on the box itself, ie you need a working remote in your hand to operate it. If you left the remote in the house or can't locate it and you want to turn it off manually there's no way. Given it is all plastic and made in you-know-where, not sure about the reliability. Will see.

        於 2022年7月16日 在美國發表評論

        Works well for down streaming for pressure washing. Easy to install

        於 2022年3月5日 在美國發表評論

        I'm using this to activate a motor by the bird-feeder that spins a soda straw whenever a flock of unwanted birds tries to take it over. Using a 12V 8A gel cell battery which is holding up just fine. Everything's protected from the weather but I do worry about humidity taking a toll. Anyway, the RC switch is great!

        於 2021年4月21日 在美國發表評論

        To get 6 stars, you need to have a plus factor. 5 stars is a good rating. No problem with the order or the product. Product is as described.
        Fairly easy to splice in an extension cord and get a wireless system. Screw posts could be a little bigger. I’m using it to control a shop vacuum for wood work. I like the 2 remotes; 3 would have been better! So far no issues in its operation. My usage range is only about 12 feet maximum. The previous single switch system did have a dead spot that this one doesn’t seem to have.

        於 2022年7月6日 在美國發表評論

        Doesn’t work that far away like it says it does.

        於 2021年5月19日 在美國發表評論

        Functions well. Just as hoped for. Installation was easy for the most part. The mounting holes on the receiver are awkwardly close to the body of the device, but work. The electrical connections have a very small plastic cover, but feel a bit exposed. I added a better cover to make sure the connections weren’t accidentally contacted.
        I ordered a second one.


        5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Works great on Golf Buggy

        於 2022年3月26日 在澳洲 (🇦🇺) 發表評論

        Bought to install on electric Golf Buggy. After having blown a lower ampage controller, installed this device straight out of the box & it just started to work. Haven't checked the range of the remotes, but expect they will be more than good enough for this purpose without needing to extend the aerial.

        5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Does what it says

        於 2021年11月17日 在加拿大 (🇨🇦) 發表評論

        Worked great for my use, remote controls dust collection in my garage while woodworking.
        Setup was easy


