Prescient 中文

(prescient剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



Perhaps nowhere in any of the reports is there a more prescient warning.

Look at the magnificent example of prescient administration!

It would be difficult to improve on that very prescient statement.

Combe is left extremely prescient in reacting to an industrial revolution which was barely perceptible, and rationalizing a set of capitalist relations which had not yet emerged.

As had happened with other problems in bioethics (and with genetic engineering most notably), the speculative discussions prior to important scientific breakthroughs were remarkably prescient.

Headlam comes across as an acerbic yet perceptive and sometimes prescient commentator.

It is a little difficult to understand how any prescient politician or party could really put a pledge like that in their programme.

Britt's testimony was more prescient than he let on.


(prescient剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



Perhaps nowhere in any of the reports is there a more prescient warning.

That was a prescient statement, and how right he was.

It is a little difficult to understand how any prescient politician or party could really put a pledge like that in their programme.

Headlam comes across as an acerbic yet perceptive and sometimes prescient commentator.

The author's projections have in certain cases proved prescient and in others been negated by rapidly changing circumstances.

In that sense he was right, and prescient about things to come.

Nobody is so prescient as to know that.

Combe is left extremely prescient in reacting to an industrial revolution which was barely perceptible, and rationalizing a set of capitalist relations which had not yet emerged.



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In truth, wise and prescient though he often seemed, Mr Haass was only "60/40 against going to war".

事实上,尽管似乎是明智和有先见之明的,Mr Haass 仅仅是"稍微反对进行战争"。

Ullman's warning sounds prescient. Yet I'm not rushing to banish Alexa. She still perches in my living room, perhaps counting down the days until her Guardian media embed ends and she can return to Seattle.

厄尔曼的警告听起来有先见之明. 然而,我并不急于放逐的Alexa. 她仍然栖息在我的客厅, 也许掰着指头数天,直到她的监护人媒体嵌入结束,她可以回到西雅图.

Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient.

Today, almost 45 years later, we still consider that decision prescient and hard-won.


Mr. President, your dream that another world is possible, as courageously outlined in your inaugural presidential statement, is both timely and prescient.


Secondly, over lunch yesterday, Sir Richard Branson stressed the pre-eminent need for scientific action in the light of the reality that mitigation and other prescient strategies will do nothing to thin the layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


One prescient crunch has aroused particular concern Nhlanhla Nene, who has continued to speak, after a moment of surprise, until the final crash.


Bob Swanson, I think, was the most prescient individual I've ever met.

And to really appreciate just how prescient that idea was, you have to go back and you have to look at the history of the National Parks Service.


Now that the president has belatedly followed his advice and the "surge" appears to be working, Mr McCain looks both bold and prescient.


For example, the inclusion of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the TEC on the Advisory Board has proven to be prescient.


His decision was prescient. On the night of May 16, 1992, the attack came, within blocks of the Sultan's Mosque.

他的决定是很有先见之明的。 1992年5月16日晚,国王清真寺街区内遭到了袭击。

With hindsight, the balance achieved in the Convention between the right of States to use the oceans and their resources and the need to protect and preserve the marine environment appears particularly prescient.


Bob Swanson, I think, was the most prescient individual I've ever met.

鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人 "鲍勃·斯旺森 卡莱纳帕金斯公司初级合伙人" 鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人

To avoid a repeat of financial disaster, governments are appointing "systemic-risk" regulators, hoping that prescient overseers will ward off trouble.


Mr. De Alba: I think that the statement made by the representative of Sierra Leone is prescient.


As he was leaving the Oval Office, Barack Obama warned Donald Trump that nuclear-armed North Korea would be his most immediate foreign policy challenge. That looked prescient on Monday, when Pyongyang fired five ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.

巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)在离开白宫之际警告唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump),拥有核武器的朝鲜将是他面临的迫在眉睫的外交政策挑战。本周一,当朝鲜向日本海发射了5枚弹道导弹的时候,这个警告看起来具有先见之明。

Hence, a major objective of the Conference was to enhance UNCTAD's development role and impact, which was, in retrospect, a prescient objective given the severity and impact of the subsequent global economic and financial crisis.



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