Too 形容詞 for 人 to 動詞 不能加 it

學完so … that「如此 … 以致於」後,再接著來學有類似用法的too … to V「太 … 而不能」句型。

too … to V意為「太 … 而不能」,表示主詞的特質或動作程度太過…而造成某個結果。too是副詞,可以修飾形容詞或副詞,最後加上to V,也可以加for N。

too … to V很好用,可以改寫後和so … that代換,一起來看看吧!

I. too + adj + to V

  1. 本句型意思為「太 … 而不能」。
  2. too是副詞,可以修飾形容詞,表示主詞有某特質或做某動作的程度太過於…。
  3. to後面加原形動詞,表示無法達到的結果。
  4. 可加上for N表示對某人而言。
  5. 此用法與可搭配adj的動詞使用,例如be動詞、連綴動詞look、sound、smell、taste、feel、seem、appear等。

One is never too old to learn.


→ be動詞 + too + adj

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

The child is too short to reach the shelf.


→ be動詞 + too + adj

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成The child is so short that she can’t reach the shelf.

After the training, the basketball player was too tired to move.


→ be動詞 + too + adj

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成After the training, the basketball player was so tired that he couldn’t move.

The news sounds too good to be true!


→ 連綴動詞sound + too + adj

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成The news sounds so good that it can’t be true!

These children seem too full to do any exercise.


→ 連綴動詞seem + too + adj

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成These children seem so full that they can’t do any exercise.


II. too + adv + to V

  1. 本句型意思為「太 … 而不能」。
  2. too是副詞,可以修飾副詞,表示主詞有某特質或做某動作的程度太過於…。
  3. to後面加原形動詞,表示無法達到的結果。
  4. 可加上for N表示對某人而言。
  5. 此用法搭配一般動詞。

The novelist wrote too slowly to meet the deadline.


→ 一般動詞write + too + adv

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成The novelist wrote so slowly that he couldn’t meet the deadline.

Megan ate too quickly to enjoy the taste of the meal.


→ 一般動詞eat + too + adv

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成Megan ate so quickly that she couldn’t enjoy the taste of the meal.

Johnny stayed up too late to get up early.


→ 一般動詞eat + too + adv

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成Johnny stayed up so late that he couldn’t get up early.

The businessman spent too much to keep his company running.


→ 一般動詞spend + too + adv

→ to V表示無法達到某結果

→ 可改寫成The businessman spent so much that he couldn’t keep his company running.

✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

I. 練習

  1. The student felt too ______ about speaking in public to keep his legs from shaking.
    (A) anxiously
    (B) anxiety
    (C) nervously
    (D) nervous
  2. The young magician performed too ______ to attract the audience’s attention.
    (A) poor
    (B) bad
    (C) poorly
    (D) well
  3. Choose the correct sentence.
    (A) The box is so large for the girl to carry.
    (B) The book is too difficult for the young boy.
    (C) The cellphone costs too much that my mom doesn’t allow me to get one.
    (D) The dictionary looks so heavy for this kid to lift.
  4. 這房子太貴,我們買不起(afford)。
    ________________________ (too)
    ________________________ (so)

📜 表示程度和結果的相關用法特輯:

  • so + adj/adv + that S V (如此...以致於)
  • such + adj N + that S V (如此...以致於)
  • too + adj/adv + to V (太...而不能)
  • adj/adv + enough + to V (夠...而可以)
🔑 正解:

1. (D)

2. (C)

3. (B)

4. This house is too expensive for us to afford.

This house is so expensive that we can’t afford it.

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