


17 years of the induction pursuit brings NineStars a leading position The induction trash can of NineStars is currently the domestic advanced induction Trash can products. It has been in great demand in Europe and the United States. For instance, it has been in the leading position of the Wal-Mart sales for a long time in the US, and it is well received by customers in Europe and the United States. The advance is not only reflected in a variety of high-tech patented technology and the use of new materials, but also on the new embodiment of the concept of higher quality and environmental life. 81 High-Tech Patented Technology bring a new experience 15 million sensor trash cans selling all over ...


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纳思达股份有限公司创立于2000年,2014年在深交所上市(股票代码:002180)。公司专注打印显像行业二十一年,目前已成为全球第四的激光打印机厂商和行业内优秀的集成电路设计企业。公司是中国上市企业500强,市值超过700亿元人民币(截止2022年6月23日),2021财年营收227.92亿元人民币。公司已实现打印全产业链覆盖,业务遍及全球150多个国家和地区,拥有包括“艾派克(APEXMIC)”“格之格”“G&G”“Static Control”“利盟国际(LEXMARK)”“奔图(PANTUM)”等多个行业内的知名品牌。


Jesaeng Hospital Yongjin Kim, a member of Jesaeng Hospital Medical Information Team

“From one year of printing experience, we’ve seen the excellent quality of G&G printer consumables. They have helped us to manage hospital affairs by printing medical reports regarding diagnosis and treatment, making printing more convenient and printing results better. We also compared them with the original products we have used so far and found G&G’s cartridges perform as well as the original.”

Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Onder Ozsoysal, a professor at İstanbul Faculty of Medicine

“The printer consumables quality surprised us. We are happy to use the printer consumables from GGIMAGE, which is known as a professional and experienced ink cartridge supplier when we need to print teaching materials. Up to now, the printer consumables are flawless, and we never found any pesky problems during the use.”

Jox Creative Studio Joewan Salihi, the Creative Director of Jox Creative Studio

“G&G’s products have played a big role in our studio. They can be used in various places including making guest gifts for weddings, engagements, parties and other events. The various stickers attached with the gifts are printed using G&G’s consumables. We also use the consumables to print bank statements and receipts for bookkeeping. They helped us do our jobs in a more creative way.”

在ninestars官網這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者zxc906383也提到 MLB international signing period: Top players, including the 'Cuban Ohtani' and everything else to know 大聯盟官網國際新秀排名 SS...


ninestars官網的PTT 評價、討論一次看

[情報] CBS:MLB國際新秀簽約狀況

MLB international signing period: Top players, including the 'Cuban Ohtani' and everything else to know 大聯盟官網國際新秀排名 SS Roderick

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[器材] 1zpresso K刀盤有改版?

各位咖啡玩家安安, 最近因為想要入手 1zpresso K+ 又看了一次沐萃去年的比較和官網介紹。 突然發現,K刀盤竟然明顯長得不一樣了,請參考下圖比較。 1. 2020/12 YT 影片截圖,左邊為 K+ 刀盤,右為 c40 附上影片連結: