Zoom in意思


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roll over image to zoom in Touchpoint 1 Controller

滚动鼠标放大图片 Touchpoint 1 控制器

If a map appears small, just zoom in.


and you zoom in with one of those super satellite cameras


You can zoom in if necessary.


roll over image to zoom in Fire Sentry FS20X Flame Detector

滚动鼠标放大图片 Fire Sentry FS20X 火灾和火焰探测器

Tropical green palm trees, pan shot, zoom in


Scrolling the Mouse wheel will zoom in and out

滚动 鼠标滚轮 将放大和缩小

Too many results, zoom in to view


To zoom in or out on a card page


We can zoom in to look more closely inside this mating pair.


You can zoom in or out on a document to suit your needs and view Pages full screen.

您可以放大或缩小文稿以适合自身需要,并以全屏幕模式查看 Pages。

Let's zoom in and look at one of the favorite exoplanets.

我们再继续放大, 看一下其中一个比较有名的系外行星。

And then you zoom in to the Google street view level.


Right, don't zoom in unless I tell you to.


You can also use the spacebar to zoom in and out.


Roll the mouse wheel to further zoom in or out of the image.


Select a value to zoom in or zoom out of the report.


Instantly zoom in and magnify image areas for close examination of a specific skin characteristic.


Ability to zoom in or out for detailed review of scanned pages.


Q: Why does my wallpaper zoom in?

Q: 为什么我的壁纸放大?



结果: 594. 精确: 594. 用时: 42毫秒

Zoom in意思



2018-09-20 �� ÿ���ش𶼳�����˼��


Zoom in意思





Zoom in意思


2��zoom in ��zoom out�����������zoom in ָ��������ȣ��ñ佹�ྵͷʹ����Ŵ󣬼��������ƽ���zoom out�պ��෴����ʾ�ñ佹�ྵͷʹ������С������������Զ��



��������pickup technology��ͨ�����õ�������������ڰ׻��ɫ�ĵ���ͼ���źš�





CCD������һ�ֹ����������ǰ��������еĴ����������ܣ�ÿ�������ܵ��������۽��������ϸõ��ͼ����أ���Ͷ�䵽ÿ���������ϵĹ�ͨ���������������ѹ�������������Ҫ����CCD���� �����ӵ�Ӱ������ѵ�Ӱ��Ƭת��Ϊ����ͼ���źš�





2018-09-17 �� ʧ�ܵIJ�³˹��ɹ��ֽ���һ����


Zoom in意思

zoom in ��zoom out�����������

1��zoom in     ָ��������ȣ��ñ佹�ྵͷʹ����Ŵ󣬼��������ƽ���

2��zoom out  �պ��෴����ʾ�ñ佹�ྵͷʹ������С������������Զ��


1��Zoom in. Zoom out. The best leaders know when to focus in and when to pull back. 


2��Zoom in the head and see the color of face and hat.


3��You can zoom out to see the whole neighbourhood.




all out. �߾�ȫ��������ɾ� (=all in)��ƣ���ߡ�

at outs. (��ij��)���ͣ�(��ij��) �����һ�¡�

at outs with sb. (��ij��)���ͣ�(��ij��) �����һ�¡�

on the outs. (��ij��)���ͣ�(��ij��) �����һ�¡�

on the outs with sb. (��ij��)���ͣ�(��ij��) �����һ�¡�

be out. ���󣻲��ڼҡ�

be out and about .(����)�����߶���

be out at.(the knees) (����)(��ϥ��)���ˡ�

be down and out. ���ǣ����䡣

be out for. ��ͼҪ��һ��Ϊ��

be out to do sth. ��ͼ��ij�¡�

cross out .ע����ɾȥ��



2018-09-19 �� TA���1.7�����


Zoom in意思





Zoom in意思

һ��zoom in ��zoom out�����������zoom in ָ��������ȣ��ñ佹�ྵͷʹ����Ŵ󣬼��������ƽ���zoom out�պ��෴����ʾ�ñ佹�ྵͷʹ������С������������Զ��


Zoom in.(ALT+PLUS)�Ŵ�(ALT+�Ӻ�)

I prefer a built-in zoom lens, like the one I have.��ϲ���������е����̶ֹ�ʽ�佹��ͷ��

Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months.���������Ȼ��������ۣ������ȶ��ˣ������ڼ������ڲ��������ˡ�

Interactive Zoom Out������С

You can zoom out to see the whole neighbourhood.�������С�ӽǹ۲�����������

Interactive Zoom In�����Ŵ�

It has a built-in zoom lens as well.��Ҳ�����õı佹��ͷ��

The mechanical motions decrease the speed of zooming, increase space and weight for zoom system, may induce unwanted jitter, and require large power consumption.

�û�е�˶����ͱ佹�ٶȣ����� ��ʹ���ڱ佹ϵͳ�Ŀռ�������������������Ҫ�Ķ�������Ҫ�� ��Ĺ������ġ�

The economy shrank and inflation zoomed.����ή����ͨ�����ͼӾ硣



��ѧ�佹Ӣ������ΪOptical Zoom�����������������ѧ��ͷ�ṹ��ʵ�ֱ佹������������Ĺ�ѧ�佹��ʽ�봫ͳ35mm�����࣬����ͨ����Ƭ�ƶ����Ŵ�����С��Ҫ����ľ����ѧ�佹����Խ��������ľ����ԽԶ��

  • ������

  • ��ѧ�佹

  • ��������Optical Zoom

  • ԭ    ��

  • ��ͷ���役��������λ�÷����仯

  • ��ѧ�佹����

  • ��������Ĵ����2����5��֮��






2015-09-12 �� ���Ĵ��⣬��ӭ��ע


Zoom in意思





Zoom in意思

  1. zoom in ��zoom out�����������zoom in ָ��������ȣ��ñ佹�ྵͷʹ����Ŵ󣬼��������ƽ���zoom out�պ��෴����ʾ�ñ佹�ྵͷʹ������С������������Զ��

  2. �뿴�����÷���

    Zoom in. Zoom out. The best leaders know when to focus in and when to pull back. �ƽ�����Զ����õ��쵼�߶��ú��ʽ��й�ע����ʱ�����˺�

    Zoom in the head and see the color of face and hat.


    You can zoom out to see the whole neighbourhood.


zoom in�Ŵ� and�� zoom out��С
