我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片





  • ISBN:9789867975102
  • 叢書系列:Jimmy
  • 規格:精裝 / 120頁 / 21 x 14.8 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:漫畫/圖文書> 圖文書/繪本> 華文圖文書/繪本

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  • 我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片







◎ 幾米全新改版,重新繪製封面,放大開本放大祝福。
◎ 幾米幽默俏皮風格的經典作品,獻給讀者的溫馨卡片。





我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

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我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

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我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

I remember being such a huge fan of his works at a time when I was finding inspiration for my own drawings. I bought this book and read it when I was around 14, 15 and here I am reading it again at 28 and it just gives me such a different feeling from when I first read it. Like was this book always so wistful and melancholic?

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

The book is done in a set of individual cards sent to different people. Each card had a different scenario (or theme) and addresses different issues, such as fear, life, love (or break ups), maddness, loneliness, family, heaven, etc.

I like the little stories and imaginative setting each card presents (one pays tribute to Where The Wild Things Are). I thought it was cleverly done.

This book also relates to me more purely because I love receiving cards as much as I love sending them. If only I wer

The book is done in a set of individual cards sent to different people. Each card had a different scenario (or theme) and addresses different issues, such as fear, life, love (or break ups), maddness, loneliness, family, heaven, etc.

I like the little stories and imaginative setting each card presents (one pays tribute to Where The Wild Things Are). I thought it was cleverly done.

This book also relates to me more purely because I love receiving cards as much as I love sending them. If only I were half as skillful with my figurative writing as Mr. Liao is...

Read in Chinese.


我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

ชอบ Jimmy

我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

Jimmy Liao (pen name: 幾米;autonym: Lao Fu-Bin, 廖福彬) born in Yilan County, Taiwan. in Fine Arts, with a major in Design. He had worked in advertising companies for 12 years. Now he works as an illustrator. Since 1998, Jimmy published several illustrated books with amazing originality and multi-faceted narratives. He had since set a fashion in creating and publishing illustrated books in local and in Jimmy Liao (pen name: 幾米;autonym: Lao Fu-Bin, 廖福彬) born in Yilan County, Taiwan. in Fine Arts, with a major in Design. He had worked in advertising companies for 12 years. Now he works as an illustrator. Since 1998, Jimmy published several illustrated books with amazing originality and multi-faceted narratives. He had since set a fashion in creating and publishing illustrated books in local and international markets. Utilizing images as a refreshing form of literary language, Jimmy creates in his works poetic frames that emit charms and appeals. He has published seventeenth popular books so far, and they are translated into English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean and so forth. Being the most popular illustrator author in Asia, creating lots of fantasy and touch hearts cross all generation, however, with low profile personality, he enjoys the family time more, lives a tranquil life and devotes most of his time to work. Immersing in his works is just like to go into Jimmy's inner world, his inviting stories reflect the reality of real life, more and more people are intoxicated by his vivid strokes and his magic realism narratives. Now in Asia, Jimmy becomes vogue of the time, beyond his stories, "Jimmy" is like a pop of a new life style.

from: http://www.jimmyspa.com/en/


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我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片

  Author Alice Hoffman has written dozens of novels, including the Practical Magic series, The Dovekeepers, The Marriage of Opposites,...

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我 只 能 為 你 畫 一 張 小 卡片