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anti-inflammatory drugs



antibiotic medicine




消炎药将被证实是行之有效的但却不是一劳永逸的 - 癌症治疗的前景更令人感兴趣 Karol Sikora说道.

Anti-inflammatory drugs will prove to be useful, but let's not think we've discovered a panacea - the future of cancer care is much more interesting than that, says Karol Sikora.

因而,该病症主要通过消炎药和止痛药来治疗, 他说到。


So many people with milder symptoms may require intermittent treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.

在开始注射干扰素后使用对乙酰氨基酚或非甾类消炎药可缓解流感样症状 (88 ) 。

The use of acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after the initial interferon injections can abrogate influenza-like symptoms (88).


WASHINGTON: Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs taken for pain relief may reduce the effectiveness of anti-depressants such as Prozac, say US researchers.

不适当服用药物 如阿司匹灵、非固醇类止痛消炎药、类固醇药物及某些抗生素等

Inappropriate use of drugs E.g. aspirin, non-steroidal analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and certain antibiotics


Objective To assess the efficacy of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA).

对于紧张性头痛 和大多数继发性头痛而言,非处方止痛药可以缓解症状,例如消炎药可以减少颅内肿胀。

Tension headaches and most secondary cases can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce cranial swelling.

反复咳嗽的宝宝由于使用消炎药 和止咳药较多,胃口较差、没有食欲 ,舌苔几乎是白苔。

Repeated coughing baby anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of cough medicines are more poor appetite, loss of appetite, fur is almost white fur.

在有的人身上,哮喘病甚至有可能因某些药物治疗而诱发,比如阿司匹林和其他非甾体类消炎药和ß-阻滞剂(用于治疗高血压、心脏病和偏头痛 ) 。

In some people, asthma can even be triggered by certain medications, such as aspirin and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, and beta-blockers (which are used to treat high blood pressure, heart conditions and migraine).


When treating pain avoid any agents with antiplatelet/anticoagulation activity, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The risk of adverse effects is also higher among people with liver disease and those taking corticosteroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


All patients were treated with therapeutic exercises, lumbosacral corset with steel bracing, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


For all the misery it causes, 80% to 90% of back pain resolves with only 'conservative measures' (which include anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, heat, physical therapy and chiropractic treatments).


It is a powerful analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs, it gives 10 times analgesic effect than that of aspirin, antipyretic effect is stronger than aspirin and acetaminophen.

药品 感冒药、消炎药、防晒霜、好得快、黄连素、止血绷带、创可贴、维生素药片、眼药水、红花油。

3 drugs cold medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs, sunscreen, better quickly, berberine, hemostatic bandages, Band-Aid, vitamin pills, eye drops, safflower oil.


In experiments on mice, researchers tracked brain levels of cell-signaling protein molecules called cytokines, which are boosted by SSRIs, and found they were counteracted by anti-inflammatory drugs.


结果: 110. 精确: 110. 用时: 17毫秒

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