



  • a slipped disc
  • lidp
  • lumbar disc protrusion
  • lumbar intervertebral disc herniation
  • prolapse of lumbar intervertebral
  • proplapse of lumbar intervertebral disc
  • protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc


  • Experience of operation on lumbar disc protrusion
  • Clinical observation of urolithiasis treated by acupuncture
  • Peroperative care of 29 cases of lumbar prolapsed disk
  • Exploration on lose efficacy to treat lidp with operating
  • Diagnosis and treatment of intradural lumbar disc herniation
  • Discectomy with micro - incision for lumbar disc herniation
  • Treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc with manipulations
  • Nonoperative treatment to the lumbar disc herniation
  • Treatment of lumbar disc herniation by posterior approach
  • Treatment of lumbar disc herniation with collagenase injection

��׵����ͻ��,lumbar disc herniation
1)lumbar disc herniation��׵����ͻ��
1.Diagnosis and treatment of unilateral lumbar disc herniation with contralateral symptom;�ٴ�֢״�����ͻ�����Ҳ�һ�µ���׵����ͻ��֢������
2.Study on the effect of microendoscopic discectomy in the treatment of senile multisegmental lumbar disc herniation;��·׵���̾����������ڶ���׵����ͻ��֢����Ч�۲�
3.Causes of recurrent lumbar disc herniation after operation;��׵����ͻ��֢�����ٷ������Ƽ����ط���


1.Percutaneous laser disc decompression for the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion��Ƥ������׵���̼�ѹ��������׵����ͻ��֢
2.Low back pain following discectomy for lumbar disc herniation׵�����г�������׵����ͻ��֢��ʹ��Ӱ��
3.Lumbar Discography and Intradiscal Compressive Injection Cure Lumbar Disc Herniation;��׵������Ӱ��׵�����ڼ�ѹע���Ʒ�������׵����ͻ��֢
4.Clinical Observation of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation Treated by Acupuncture at Three Special Acupoint at Waist;������������׵����ͻ��֢�ٴ��о�
5.An Clinical Analysis of Microendoscopic Disectomy (MED) for the Treatment of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation (LIDH);׵���̾���������׵����ͻ��֢���ٴ�����
6.Analysis of Curative Effect on Discectomy with Diskoscope��·׵���̾�������׵����ͻ��֢��Ч����
7.Clinical analyse on the treatment of lumbar disc herniation by microerdoscopic diseectomy��·׵���̾�������׵����ͻ��֢���ٴ�����
8.The treatment of high level lumbar disc herniation by mircroendoscopic discectomy׵���̾����������Ƹ�λ��׵����ͻ��֢
9.Endoscopic surgical procedures for the treatment of multi-segment lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with posterior approach��·׵���̾����ƶ�ڶ���׵����ͻ��֢
10.Posterior intervertebral discopic minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc��·׵���̾�΢������������׵����ͻ��֢
11.Microendoscopic discectomy for enormous central type lumbar disc herniation:report of 23 cases׵���̾������ƾ޴���������׵����ͻ��23��
12.The imaging examnition of Lumbar intervertebral Disc Herniation��׵����ͻ����Ӱ��ѧ���(��70����׵����ͻ��Ӱ��Աȷ���)
13.The Relationship between Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra and the Lumbar Disic Herniation;����������׵����׵����ͻ��֢�������̽��
14.The Relationship between Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra and the Lumbar Disc Herniation;����������׵����׵����ͻ��֢�Ĺ�ϵ
15.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation by Combined Jiaji Electro-acupuncture and Lumbar Traction�м����벢��׵ǣ��������׵����ͻ��֢
16.X-ray and MRI Findings or Reptured Lumbar Disc Herniation and Degenerative Lumbar Disc Protrusion��������׵�����޳����˱�����׵����ͻ����X�߼�MRI����
17.Clinical study of treating recurrent lumbar disc herniation by TLIF��׵�����׵���ں������Ƹ�������׵����ͻ��֢���ٴ��о�
18.Transforminal lumbar interbody fusion technique in treatment of upper lumbar intervertebral disc herniation��׵�����׵���ں����ڸ�λ��׵����ͻ��֢���������е�Ӧ��


prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc��׵����ͻ��
1.Application of clinical health education path for prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc patients during undergoing operation;�ٴ���������·������׵����ͻ�����������е�Ӧ��
2.Study of the Combination of Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine on the Patients with Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc;����ҽ���������׵����ͻ��֢��̽��
3.MED is a new operation made in curing prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.MED�ǽ�������չ��������׵����ͻ��֢������ʽ,�����һ�ʿ����ҽ���ĸ������ڵ������,���պ���ǰ׼����������Ϻ������������ؼ�,�Է�ֹ����֢�������������������Ҫ���塣
3)Lumbar disk herniation��׵����ͻ��
1.CT-guided intradiscal ozone injection combined with intervertebral facet joint steroid injection for lumbar disk herniation accompanied with intervertebral arthritisCT�����³����������������Ƥ�ʼ���׵С�ؽ�ע��������׵����ͻ��֢��׵С�ؽڲ���
2.Objective To analize the reasons of late result desecending of lumbar disk herniation treaded by automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy (APLD) and to enquire the corresponding measurment.Ŀ�ġ�������Ƥ������׵���������� (APL D)������׵����ͻ��֢Զ����Ч�½���ԭ��̽����Ӧ������ʩ��
3.Objective: To investigate the clinical outcomes and safety in patients with lumbar disk herniation(LDH) treated with collagenase and ozone.Ŀ��:̽�ֽ�ԭø���ϳ���ע��������׵����ͻ��֢(LDH)�İ�ȫ�Լ��ٴ���Ч��
4)Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion��׵����ͻ��
1.Observation on the curative effect of treating lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion by acupotomy method;С�뵶Ϊ��������׵����ͻ��֢100����Ч�۲�
2.Objective To Compare the diagnosis of Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion between theexamines of X-ray and CT.��������211���ٴ����Ϊ��׵����ͻ��֢��ƽƬ��CT�������
3.Objective:To investigate the incidence of asymptomatic lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion of some soldiers,so as to provide reference basis for early prevention and treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion disease.Ŀ�� :����ij��սʿ��֢״��׵����ͻ���ķ����� ,Ϊ����Ԥ����������׵����ͻ��֢�ṩ���ݡ�
5)Protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc��׵����ͻ��
1.Isokinetic dynamometer test of knee flexion and extension in patients with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc;���ٲ�������׵����ͻ��֢���߿��������е�Ӧ��
2.The change of peak torque of knee flexion and extension of the patient with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc;��׵����ͻ��֢�����쳣������ϥ�ļ����仯
3.Objective: To explore the locating relationship of EMG, CT and operative results of patients with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc.Ŀ��:̽����׵����ͻ��֢���ߵļ���ͼ(EMG)��CT������̽����֮��Ķ�λ��ϵ��
6)lumbar disc/prolapsed disc��׵/׵����ͻ��


��׵����ͻ��֢��׵����ͻ��֢prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc ����׵�����˱����������������׵������ά�����ѣ������׵�ܷ���ͻ��ѹ�ȼ��񾭸�����β�񾭡�����Ϊ��ʹ������֫������Ъ�����С�������ֱ����䣬��������ޣ������������о�ѹʹ��ֱ��̧���������ԣ��㱳Ƥ���о����ˣ�����������˻���췴������������м���̱������׵����Ӱ��CT��MRI��֪׵����ͻ����λ����С��ǣ�������á���Ħ���Դ���Ϣ��Ч����ӲĤ���ա�����������Ч������ժ��ͻ����ˣ���Ƥ���̹γ�׵���̻�����ܽⷽ��������Ч����δ�㷺Ӧ�á�

Lumbar Disc Herniation是什么?

腰椎间盘突出症(Lumbar Disc Herniation) 腰椎间盘突出症骨科常见病、多发病,它与95%的坐骨神经痛和50%的腰腿痛有着密切的关系,并可引起继发性腰椎管狭窄。 本病多见于青壮年,患者痛苦大,有马尾神经损害者可有大小便功能障碍,严重者可致截瘫。


临床中,腰椎间盘突出有90%的人通过保守治疗可以重获新生恢复正常的生活,保守治疗方案有一下几种,1卧床休息。 一般针对前期或很轻微症状,卧床休息避免弯腰和运动,就可以使症状消失;2佩戴腰围。 佩戴后主要限制腰部的限制,避免腰部受到刺激和压迫,通过一段的佩戴同样可以恢复正常生活;3牵引。


常见导致腰椎间盘突出因素有: ①腰椎负荷过重,如体重过重、长期搬重物或者长期负重等。 ②外伤因素是成年腰椎间盘突出最常见原因,包括突然搬重物不适,或者是打球等运动导致突然腰部扭伤等。 ③遗传因素。 腰椎间盘突出症有家族性发病报道。


腰椎间盘,位于两个椎体中间,外面是纤维环,里面是髓核。 其实,椎间盘本来是保护人体的,髓核具有弹性,用来缓冲椎体间的压力;纤维环是韧性的,用来包容髓核。 随着年龄的增长,因为外伤、不良姿势,纤维环可能会变的“任性”,一旦它任性起来,就会退化、破裂,里面的髓核就会突出作怪了。