聖 鬪 士 星矢 銀河 之 魂 攻略

東映動畫、車田正美正版授權,年度大作《聖鬥士星矢:銀河之魂》熱血再臨! [详情]

東映動畫、車田正美正版授權,年度大作《聖鬥士星矢:銀河之魂》熱血再臨! 青春!熱血!幻想!致敬經典三十年,100%還原原著劇情,帶你重燃童年熱血記憶:挑戰銀河爭霸賽,突破黃金十二宮,決戰海皇波塞頓,突破嘆息之壁,粉碎黑帝斯的陰謀,聖鬥士的熱血歷程再度重燃!召集曾經的夥伴,爆發小宇宙,為女神與和平再戰! ● 東映動畫、車田正美正版授權 遊戲由東映動畫、車田正美正版授權,作為《聖鬥士星矢》誕生三十週年致敬之作,同名手遊熱血再臨!電影式劇情演播完美還原原著情節;精細2D+3D美術完整呈現恢宏場景;史無前例的全系列角色集合;自由打造自己最喜愛的聖鬥士隊伍;經典的對白、熱血的角逐,心懷信念的聖鬥士,將再次為了愛與正義而戰鬥! ● 燃燒吧小宇宙!喚醒內心熱血回憶 重溫原著中感人至深的羈絆,召喚昔日的夥伴再次征戰。守護雅典娜、聖衣試煉、角色重生、隨機迷宮、羈絆副本、神之試煉……超多創新玩法,每日獎勵送不停!呼朋喚友組建聖鬥士軍團;在古拉杜競技場釋放聖鬥士的潛能;參加聖域爭霸挑戰霸主地位,再度演繹同台競技、師徒對決。最震撼的PK,最感人的劇情,最熱血的戰鬥,盡在《聖鬥士星矢:銀河之魂》!女神在召喚,夥伴等您一起來戰! ● 3V3銀河爭霸,聖域之戰風雲再起 聖域一戰問鼎銀河,熱血爭霸即日開啟!告別單打獨鬥,來一場酣暢淋漓的3V3對戰吧。再也不用擔心你的聖鬥士沒有用武之地了,星矢迷們在戰鬥時可以同時派出三支隊伍,與對方進行3V3對戰!革新獨創的實時戰鬥,輔以3D卡通渲染、骨骼動畫、物理碰撞引擎等諸多最新科技,為你帶來無限連招、熱血激情的超燃戰鬥體驗! ● 昔日兄弟再戰,軍團副本火力全開 青春不散,聖鬥士再次集結!軍團副本火爆來襲,是時候喚回昔日兄弟與你共創軍團,再戰聖域了!星矢迷們加入軍團後,即可與軍團兄弟們輪流攻擊Boss,每次戰鬥勝利都可根據傷害量排名獲得額外的獎勵哦。雅典娜女神已經發出了召集聖鬥士的呼喚,聖域的火石鐘也已點燃,軍團副本挑戰即將開啟,你準備好了嗎? ● 號角聲響起、旗幟高舉,軍團戰開打! 軍團戰開打!趕緊武裝自己、集結夥伴,一同為軍團奮戰!激烈的領土攻守、策略性的調兵遣將,和軍團夥伴一起痛快戰鬥的同時,還可獲得豐富獎勵、為軍團爭取無上的榮譽!誰才是聖域中最強軍團,讓我們拭目以待。 三十年熱血重燃,願你出走半生,歸來仍是少年……


东映动画、车田正美正版授权,年度大作《圣斗士星矢:银河之魂》热血再临! [详情]

东映动画、车田正美正版授权,年度大作《圣斗士星矢:银河之魂》热血再临! 青春!热血!幻想!致敬经典三十年,100还原原著剧情,带你重燃童年热血记忆:挑战银河争霸赛,突破黄金十二宫,决战海皇波塞顿,突破叹息之壁,粉碎黑帝斯的阴谋,圣斗士的热血历程再度重燃!召集曾经的伙伴,爆发小宇宙,为女神与和平再战! ● 东映动画、车田正美正版授权 游戏由东映动画、车田正美正版授权,作为《圣斗士星矢》诞生三十週年致敬之作,同名手游热血再临!电影式剧情演播完美还原原著情节;精细2D3D美术完整呈现恢宏场景;史无前例的全系列角色集合;自由打造自己最喜爱的圣斗士队伍;经典的对白、热血的角逐,心怀信念的圣斗士,将再次为了爱与正义而战斗! ● 燃烧吧小宇宙!唤醒内心热血回忆 重温原著中感人至深的羁绊,召唤昔日的伙伴再次征战。守护雅典娜、圣衣试炼、角色重生、随机迷宫、羁绊副本、神之试炼超多创新玩法,每日奖励送不停!呼朋唤友组建圣斗士军团;在古拉杜竞技场释放圣斗士的潜能;参加圣域争霸挑战霸主地位,再度演绎同台竞技、师徒对决。最震撼的PK,最感人的剧情,最热血的战斗,尽在《圣斗士星矢:银河之魂》!女神在召唤,伙伴等您一起来战! ● 3V3银河争霸,圣域之战风云再起 圣域一战问鼎银河,热血争霸即日开启!告别单打独斗,来一场酣畅淋漓的3V3对战吧。再也不用担心你的圣斗士没有用武之地了,星矢迷们在战斗时可以同时派出三支队伍,与对方进行3V3对战!革新独创的实时战斗系统,辅以3D卡通渲染、骨骼动画、物理碰撞引擎等诸多最新科技,为你带来无限连招、热血激情的超燃战斗体验! ● 昔日兄弟再战,军团副本火力全开 青春不散,圣斗士再次集结!军团副本火爆来袭,是时候唤回昔日兄弟与你共创军团,再战圣域了!星矢迷们加入军团后,即可与军团兄弟们轮流攻击Boss,每次战斗胜利都可根据伤害量排名获得额外的奖励哦。雅典娜女神已经发出了召集圣斗士的呼唤,圣域的火石钟也已点燃,军团副本挑战即将开启,你准备好了吗? ● 号角声响起、旗帜高举,军团战开打! 军团战开打!赶紧武装自己、集结伙伴,一同为军团奋战!激烈的领土攻守、策略性的调兵遣将,和军团伙伴一起痛快战斗的同时,还可获得丰富奖励、为军团争取无上的荣誉!谁才是圣域中最强军团,让我们拭目以待。 三十年热血重燃,愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年


Toei Animation, Che Tian Zhengmei genuine authorization, the annual masterpiece "Saint Seiya: Soul of the Galaxy" is coming again!

  youth! Bloody! fantasy! Tribute to the classics for 30 years, 100% restore the original story, take you to rekindle your childhood bloody memory: challenge the galactic hegemony, break through the golden twelfth house, decisive battle against the sea emperor Poseidon, break through the wall of sigh, smash the plot of Hades Saint Blood's bloody journey is rekindled again! Summon former partners, break out of the small universe, and fight for the goddess and peace!

  ● Toei Animation, Chetian Zhengmei Genuine Authorization
 The game is authorized by Toei Animation and Che Tian Zhengmei. As a tribute to the 30th anniversary of the birth of "Saint Seiya", the mobile game of the same name is coming again! The film-style plot performance perfectly restores the original plot; the fine 2D + 3D art completely presents the magnificent scene; the unprecedented collection of the whole series of characters; the freedom to build their favorite team of Saint Seiya; the classic dialogue and bloody competition, the Saint Seiya with faith, Will fight again for love and justice!

  ● Burn it, little universe! Awaken the heart and blood memories.
 Relive the touching bondage in the original book, and summon the former partner to fight again. Guard Athena, Saint Cloth Trial, Character Rebirth, Random Labyrinth, Fettered Copy, God's Trial ... A lot of innovative gameplay, and daily rewards are kept! Hu Peng calls friends to form the Saint Seiya Legion; unleash the potential of the Saint Seiya in the Guladu Arena; participate in the Sanctuary hegemony to challenge the hegemony status, and once again perform the same stage competition, mentor and duel. The most shocking PK, the most touching plot, the most bloody battle, all in "Saint Seiya: Soul of the Galaxy"! The goddess is calling, and your partner is waiting for you to fight!

  ● 3V3 Galactic hegemony, the battle of the Holy Land resurrected
 The Holy Territory battled the Galaxy, and the bloody hegemony began today! Say goodbye to fighting alone, come to a hearty 3V3 battle. No more worrying about your Saint Seiya being useless. Star fans can send three teams at the same time to fight 3V3 against each other! Innovative original real-time combat system, supplemented by 3D cartoon rendering, skeleton animation, physics collision engine and many other latest technologies, will bring you an infinite combo and passionate super-burning combat experience!

  ● The old brothers fight again, and the Legion ’s copy is fully fired
 Youth is not gone, Saint Seiya gathers again! The Legion's copy is hot, it is time to call back the old brothers to create the Legion with you, and fight the Holy Land again! After joining the Legion, Star fans can attack the Boss in turn with the Legion brothers, and each battle wins can get additional rewards based on the damage ranking. The goddess Athena has already called out to call the Saint Warrior, the Firestone Clock in the Sanctuary has also been ignited, and the Legion replica challenge is about to start. Are you ready?

  ● The horn sounds, the flag is held high, and the legion battle begins!
 Legion battles start! Hurry up and assemble your partners, and fight for the legion together! The fierce territorial offensive and defensive, strategic troop dispatches, and the happily fighting with the legion partners, can also receive rich rewards and fight for the army's supreme honor! Who is the strongest legion in the sanctuary, let us wait and see.

  Thirty years of blood rekindled, may you leave for half of your life and return to be a teenager ...