學 測 英文 作文 範文


本年度學科能力測驗閱卷組,酌選考生作文佳作英文考科11篇,經徵詢考生同意後,以原卷影像檔及其簡要評分說明提供各界參考。讀者如有寶貴意見,謹請來函指教。(郵寄地址:106台北市大安區舟山路237號 大學入學考試中心閱卷組收;傳真電話:02-23661149)






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本年度學科能力測驗閱卷組,酌選考生作文佳作英文考科10篇,經徵詢考生同意後,以原卷影像檔及其簡要評分說明提供各界參考。讀者如有寶貴意見,謹請來函指教。(郵寄地址:106台北市大安區舟山路237號 大學入學考試中心閱卷組收;傳真電話:02-23661149)






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  • 2022-07-14
  • 學科
  • 指考英文, 英文作文, 英文作文範例

學 測 英文 作文 範文


  • 109學年度學科能力測驗英文作文佳作-精選3篇
    • 佳作範例一
    • 佳作範例二
    • 佳作範例三
  • 110學年度學科能力測驗英文作文佳作-精選3篇
    • 佳作範例一
    • 佳作範例二
    • 佳作範例三
  • 111學年度學科能力測驗英文作文佳作-精選3篇
    • 佳作範例一
    • 佳作範例二
    • 佳作範例三
  • 推薦5大免費英文寫作範例網站
    • 英語傳教士-金陵英語教學網
    • 余老師英文作文教室
    • Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言
    • 大紀元寓言故事中英文版
    • American Rhetoric-Top 100 Speeches



Anxiously waiting, legions of people stood in front of the gate. It was the anniversary of the mall where a mutitude of discounts took place. When it was about eight AM, a staff of the mall approached the door. No sooner did he open the door than the crowd dashed in. They entered every store, took what they wanted to bry, and literally went on a shopping spree. Thousands of purchases were made and everyone thought that they could shop to their hearts’ contert. However, the story unfolded in the opposite way. As more and more people got into the mall, not only were the stores packed, but the line waiting in front of the cashier stretched for more than ten meters. The smiles on people’s face and their electricfied mood withered as time went by. The time spent on shoppirg was actually less than the time spent on waiting.
Given this frustrating condition, the crowd had different reactions. Some people waited patiently in line and killed their time by being phubbers, whereas others couldn’t stand the taxing process of waiting in line and gave up. To make matters worse, some impatient customers even lost their temper and tried to cut in lines, causing disputes and leaving the mall in chaos. At the end of the day, only one third of the customers made it to pay for what they had taken. Others either surrendered or got cut off after the mall closed. The next day, this incident was reported by the news, and people started to reflect. Eventually, most of them reached the same conclusion that we should no longer blindly follow the crowd and get fooled by the marketing strategies of the mall. After all, no one wants to wait in line for hours and wind up wasting their time.


◎ 第一段描述人們衝進購物商場,大排長龍等待結帳的無奈場面。第二段描述排隊當下有人滑手機,也有人插隊。次日,新聞報導此亂象,讓人們反思盲從搶購的必要性。
◎ 內容豐富,敘寫完整,表達得宜。


With my heart beating rapidly in excitement, I tried to look past the sea oIf people and see through the large glass windows of the departiment store. Every person waiting outside  had the same goal as mine to take advantage of the huge sales the shop was offering. I had arrived early in the morning hoping to be close to the doors. However, many other customers had beaten me to the task. Therefore, I stood slightly farther away from the enterance than I had planned,but that did not put out my ambition to purchase as many items as possible. The constant chatter around me became impatient as time trickled by. Suddenly, the glass doors burst open. I watched as men and women in front of me flooded into the store. All around me, people pushed each other, eager to get in. We were like sardines in a box as we crammed through the narrow doors.As a result of being too preoccupied to notice my surroundings, I tripped on the edge of the carpet. To my dissappointment, I found myself sprawled on the floor, watching as people grabbed goods off the shelves . My ankle was sprained,and it was as though all my waiting was had gone to waste. Even worse, no one even stopped to help me up.
Limping around the store, I could not get to the discounted items fast enough. Altough I had arrived earlier than most, my carelessness had resulted in a disadvantage. I saw a number of products snatched up by quicker hands, and watched as other people filled up carts and baskets. Consequently, my former excitement faded away, and was replaced by regret. How I wish I had not come! Having given up hope, I slowly made my way to the exit, my hands empty and my wallet full. Stepping out the glass doors, I noticed in the_ corner of my eye several people holding out sighs. Curious, I went to check it out. It was a charity for stray dogs and they had brought puppies with them. I couldn’t resist the urge to caress the canines heads. Wagging their tails enthusiastically, they licked my palms. I giggled, all my disappointment disolved like salt in water. After playing with them for a while, I pulled out my purse and donated all the money I had planned to spend. At the end of the day, I did go home with my purse empty. Howere, instead of products, I had a cute puppy in my hands. What a wonderful day it had been.


◎ 第一段描述自己擠入百貨公司時被搶購人群絆倒在地,卻無人相助。第二段描述因腳扭傷無法搶購折扣商品而黯然離開百貨公司,看到有流浪動物送養活動,便決定捐助流浪動物。
◎ 內容豐富,行文流暢,描寫細膩。


It should have been a serene afternoon without the anniversary of the department store that drove the public crazy. The zealots of shopping awaiting outside the gate dormed a long queue, which made the department store more akin to the last hope of humanity beseiged by a bunch of zombies. What was more astonishing? As soon as the ring of inauguration went off, these people seeting for discounts rushed into the hall without any hesitation. Within secnds the entine floot was clogged with treasure seekers, with smell of sweats and noise of rambing pervasive in the air. In addition, the metaphor citing zombies to describe these frantics formerly might not be subtle enough after these shopers started to quarrel, which zombies in the same ally would not vesort to. These indignant people, triggered by someone else’s interluding in line or the fact that their targets have become others’ booties, swore loudly to their enemies, sparking several rough-and-tumdles. Futhermore, a group of youngsters even fought with anothercrowd of adolescents. The beattle aggrarated to the ektent that their linbs were intertwined, and the guard eventually came to make this fight tor discounts culminate in peace. Indeed, there were a big percentage of customers obserring the rules, which would be the only merit that was visidle in the boisterous and teeming scene.
However, just within a stroke of a pen, the forged serenity got boken by another pandemonium, which seemed much grarer. A man veiled in black shouted to ereyone that he posseesed a bomb at hand, which jolted the crowds out of intoxication of shopping into fleeing. The man required the guard to stay away from him, or he would ignite the bomb to have everyone buried together. Looking temperamental, the man seemed to be serious, thus keeping the guard stationary. However, what the bomber did not know was that the guard had gone though several crucibles in a bid o become a part in FBI ‘s special force. With only a glimpse of time elapsing, the guard swifly ran to the man and took away the bomb. Now, the fact that the bomb crisis had been eased congregated the crowds backs. Soon afterwards, the man got arrested and the promoting event ended up with pleasure of safety.


◎ 第一段描述周年慶群眾湧入百貨公司,為搶購折扣商品而發生嚴重肢體衝突。第二段描述喬裝警衛的FBI探員英勇制伏手持炸彈蒙面男子的過程。
◎ 內容精彩,敘寫流暢,詞藻華麗。



Last spring, I was among the flock of tourists visiting Yangmingshan National Park because of the flower festival. At first my family members and I visited only because of a news introduction of the event. Since it seemed to have attracted tons of visitors, we should also take a look in person. Not until we arrived at the vast field of purple flowers did we realize how splendid they were. “The seemingly endless flowers were the masterpiece of a farmer living nearby,”one of the tourists said. Stunned, I started to take photos of the amazing scenery in order to seize the moment through my camera. At the same time, I noticed that a group of people entered the field and started to take selfies and post the photos online. However, a sign in front of me showed“Welcome tourists to take photos, but please, do not step into the field!”What’ s worse, more and more visitors followed them, despite the fact that they did read the sign.
I felt regretful. Though I didn’t follow, it seems that there were things I could do to protect the scenery. We, who didn’t violate the regulation, should stand out and stop others to do so. Even just by notifying them can sometimes make a difference. As for this event, it was a perfect display of the bandwagon effect. It was the first few people who led the rest to neglect the restriction. If all of the tourists have thought clearly before following, there would have been less people in the field stepping over the flowers. In addition, we should think about other’s feeling, the owner for example, before fulfilling our own contentment. All in all, I have learned to make a difference by affecting others and putting myself in others’ shoes.


◎ 第一段描述花季出遊時,目睹一群遊客無視告示牌標語,於花園中自拍,其他遊客紛紛跟進。第二段以遊客立場表達未能及時勸導違規遊客及保護景觀,深感懊惱,並針對自私、欠缺思考的行為提出改善建議。
◎ 內容具體,見解獨到,行文流暢。


The advent of the blossom season attracted humongous amount of tourists. Attractions of flowers swarming with people have had serious impact on the gorgeous ecology. Regardless of the warning sign saying “Viewing and taking pictures withont trampling”, people neglected the regulation and tried to get a taste of an experience of cloesly seeing the flower ocean. It hasn’t dawned on them that wound-ridden flowers were under their thoughtless feet, begging them to stop the brutality. Unfortunately, myriads of people went on this trend, fearing that they couldn’t leave charming pictures as others did. Little did they know their actions were leading to a vicious circle.
As the owner of this enchanting land bursting with flowes, I was tremendously heart-broken. Although the business opportunities behind might generate numorous profits to my garden, the destroy brought by the visitors would definitely jeopardize the environment, which is the least I expected. I wondered that if the government could implement a strict regulatjon concerning tourism and environmental protection, because owners of attractions usually don’t have that much of power to prohibit people from undermining the environment. Though strict rules might serve as a double-edged sword, decreasing the number of tourists while preserving the ecology, it is incumbent upon us to protect the environment since we are all members of the world.


◎ 第一段描述遊客無視告示標語,只為在花海拍照留影而任意踐踏花朵。第二段以場所主人立場對花園受損表達萬分心痛,企盼政府公權力介入,制定觀光及環保相關法規。
◎ 內容精簡,敘寫完整,詞藻豐富。


The picture shows an outdoor field covered by various kinds of blooming flowers, which is indeed a delightful scene to behold. Apparently, these lovely flowers are surely adored by their owner to such an extent that he/she has to set up a warning sign in the hope of protecting the plants from the feet of the tourists. However, thongh the intention of the owner is clearly written on the sign, people still seem to simply ignore it and step on the flower beds withont being aware of how fragile they can be. Tourists joyfully stroll around in the field, taking pictures and having a good time, while the poor flowers are mercilessly trampled all over under their shoes. The warning sign, sadly, is obviously not effective method of stopping people from entering the field and destroying the beautiful flowers planted there. The plants might even end up being dead thanks to the tourists’ ignorance and carelessness.
If I were to view such a scene from the perspective of the owner of the flowers, I would be very upset and furious for sure. For fear of my precious plants being stepped on by intruders, I set up those warning signs to convey my concern.Yet, instead of a unharmed flower bed splendid as always, I get a messy and chaotic garden left behind by tourists. What an unforgiving deed those visitors did! Being the caretaker of the field, I will be in such a rage that I just decide to close the entire garden for good. It is a shame that how unthoughtful people can be when they care nothing but their own happiness, therefore I should put my property as my top priority and keep tourits away. Without a doubt, as someone who has the first-hand experience, I totally agree that we should all have some sense of morality imprinted in our minds. Or else, there will be more and more of my flowers being killed by rude visitors once again when I’m done cleaning this sheer mess!


◎ 第一段描述告示標語未能發揮效用,遊客逕自漫步於花田,盡情拍照享樂,大肆毀損園區花朵。第二段以場所主人立場表達不悅、憤怒之意,並決定要守護自己的財產,不再開放遊客入園參觀。
◎ 內容明確,立場鮮明,描寫生動。



In this fast-changing society, parks are undoubtedly crucial to people’s Iives, offering places for people to relax. However, park A and park B feature different characteristics and functions. First of all, as for park A, it might be a paradise for children and parents. With slides, tunnels, and all of the diverse facilities, the park enables children to spend all day long playing! What’s more, since the ground is covered with black cushions, parents do not need to worry much about their children’s safety. That is, park A is definitely a top choice for children and parents. As for park B, it is characterized by its natural scenery. For fervents who love to enjoy outdoor activities in the nature, park B is certainly good place to go. Shuffling through the shadows between the trees and enjoying the pleasant sunlight, people could relax and take in the picturesque scenery. What’s more, visitors could also wander around the ponds while glimpsing the amazing water creatures. To sum up, park A may be apt for vigorous children while park B is a great choice for nature enthusiasts.
As far as I am concerned, my ideal park boasts the three following features. To begin with, regarding its appearances, I prefer it to be rather natural without too much ornaments and artificial facilfties. Only in this way can I relax and enjoy the nature thoroughly. Secondly, there should be an immense area covered with grass in my ideal park. Therefore, I could either sit or lie on the grass, totally absorbed in the gentle embrace of the nature. Furthermore, me and my friends cowd also held a picnic and savor the tasty dishes on the grass. Last but not least, there could be occasional music concerts held in the park. While submerged in the melodtic music, I hope to seek a shelter from the nuisances in my everyday life. Above all, not only is my ideal park a place to embrace the nature, but it also serves as a remedy for me to restore energy for my future life.


◎ 第一段描述A公園的遊樂設施與功能,是小孩與父母的最佳選擇;而圖B公園則有自然景觀,非常適合大自然愛好者。第二段列舉三項心目中理想公園應有的特色,包括自然景觀、遼闊的綠地、偶爾舉辦的音樂會,能讓自己逃離日常生活的煩擾,重獲精力,面對未來。
◎ 內容豐富,層次分明,敘寫流暢。


The two pictures given both show a park under a clear, blue sky. The weather is calm and the sun is shining brightly, casting light on the ground. With no people present, the atmosphere is serene and peaceful. However, that’s where their similarities end. Though giving off the same cheerful vibe, the park in picture A is packed with man-made facilities such as slides and ladders, while the park in picture B merely consists of natural sceneries like trees and bushes. The function of Park A seems to be a playground for children to play in, where we can imagine myriads of kids and toddlers screaming and laughing while playing tag with one another. By contrast, the towering trees in Park B seem to function as a place where people can rest, chat or read quietly without being disturbed by loud noises. While they are both parks, they certainly have significant differences and serve different purposes.
I am a big fan of nature’s wonders and relish the feeling of being surrounded by plants and animals, and hence the park of my dreams would be similar to Park B. Although I enjoy interacting with people, I feel it necessary to have a place of my own where I can enjoy some time alone and reflect on life. My park would be the perfect spot to do so, with rows of tall oak trees providing shelter from the scorching sun, bloomng flowers exhibiting a wide variety of colors that lightens up my mood, and a huge lake right in the middle reflecting sunlight and all the wonderful sceneries. Sine it is like my secret hiding spot, I would have the entire park to myself, and it would be as it I woere the only person left on Earth. As a student leading such a bustle and stresstul life, I picture my park to be the magical wonderland where I could escape from the tedious tasks and depressing hindrances that have been stuck in my mind and obstructing my path. Whenever I am on the verge of breaking down, I would hurl myself into the arms of my park, knowing that I can seek refuge in it and that the beauty of nature would work its magic and heal my shattered heart.


◎ 第一段描述圖A的公園提供孩子們許多遊樂設施;而圖B的公園是自然環境,有高大的樹木提供人們休憩。第二段描述理想的公園應像圖B,環境寧靜,有樹木、有花朵,是獨處及紓解壓力之最佳場所。
◎ 內容生動,刻畫入微,敘寫流暢。


With sunshine reflecting from the metal on the facilities, the park in picture A is glimmering. There are colorful slides and a variety of facilities situated in the park, waiting for energetic children to play on them and have a whale of the time. They may be excited about the feeling of sliding down the slides, or they may be satisfied with the sense of fulfillment after winning an intense game with friends. The park is filled with laughter and joy, which is a heaven for both parents and children, for they can enjoy the playground to their hearts’ content. In the contrast, the park in picture B seems to be a place with silence, Sunshine sifts through leaves, making the shiny spots and shades glistering on the ground. The trees are so tall that the upper parts move with mild winds blowing by. Everything is in harmony, and people wandering in this park may immerse themselves in the picturesque scene. They talk in low voices, for fear to break down the silent and tranquil condition.
The aforementioned parks are ubiquitous in our lives, they both bear irreplaceable advantages. Nevertheless, my ideal park barely has similarities with them. With waterfalls dropping from the high cliff, my ideal park situated in the mrddle of the mountains. Instead of various trees growing, it is known for its pond rearing different kind of cultures. If you step down the water, a feeling of bittercold will surge you from your feet through your spine. You will also feel fishes or crabs kissing your skin, which may lead you to giggles due to the itchy feeling. The reason why this park is my ideal park is that global warming has been damaging Earth, but people seem to be only aware of the importance of growing trees. Few of them care about water resources and biodiversity; therefore, my ideal park is the place that is filled with water and creatures idling around, enjoying their day. If my ideal park exists, people might conern more about global warming rather than just associate it with arowina trees.


◎ 第一段描述圖A的公園有許多娛樂設施,等著精力充沛的小孩忘情玩樂,是父母與小孩的天堂。圖B的公園卻是寂靜,提供人們安詳寧靜的環境。第二段描述理想的公園不同於所提供之圖片,而是位於山中,有瀑布、魚蟹優游其中,如此有水有動物之公園,可減緩全球暖化對大自然的傷害。
◎ 內容精彩,意象鮮明,文筆細膩。







Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言




American Rhetoric-Top 100 Speeches


學 測 英文 作文 範文

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